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NicaNotes Blog
Read NicaNotes, the blog from the Nicaragua Network!
NicaNotes is a blog for Nicaragua activists and those interested in Nicaragua, published by the Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice. It provides news and analysis from the context of Nicaragua Network’s long history of struggle in solidarity with the Sandinista Revolution. To read NicaNotes, go to https://afgj.org/category/nicanotes
Posted At 12:01 AM
Archives of Nicaragua Network publications!
This site contains archival material for the Nicaragua Network from 1999 through 2016. For more current material including our weekly NicaNotes blog, click here.
To access the archives of the Nicaragua News Bulletin from Dec. 11, 2012 through June 21, 2016, click here. Use the search function to search for particular topics.
To access the archives of the Nicaragua Monitor and the Global Justice Monitor from 2008 to 2011, click here.
To access the archives of Nicaragua Network news publications and action alerts from 1999 to 2012, click here.
To access the archives of Nicaragua Network action alerts and other announcements, click here.
Posted At 12:01 AM
Labels: Archives
Chuck Kaufman, ¡Presente! (1952-2021)
29 December 2021
It is with great sadness that the Alliance for Global Justice announces that Chuck Kaufman, our National Co-Coordinator and one of the founders of AfGJ, has died. He passed peacefully of natural causes on Tuesday, December 28, 2021 in his Tucson, Arizona home after a brief illness.
Chuck was a true leader, a visionary, a master strategist and above all, a loving and kind comrade and friend. Through his wise stewardship Alliance for Global Justice grew to become a major force in building the capacity of grass roots organizers throughout the Americas to confront imperialism, neoliberalism and oppression in all forms and to strive to curb U.S. violations of human rights, both within and outside its borders.
Chuck has been a leader of the Central and Latin America solidarity movements since joining the staff of the Nicaragua Network in 1987. He gave up his successful advertising business out of disgust at Congress’ cowardice during the Iran-Contra scandal. He went on his first coffee picking brigade to Nicaragua that same year. Chuck has been in the front ranks of the movements to support the right of people in Latin America and the Caribbean to dignity, sovereignty, and self-determination. He has led delegations to Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti and Honduras.
Chuck has written and spoken often about US democracy manipulation programs through the National Endowment for Democracy and US Agency for International Development as well as what he calls the need to look to the Abolition Movement as our inspiration to change the culture of US militarism. He was a board member of the Latin America Solidarity Coalition and a leader of the LASC’s effort to build a stronger movement to oppose US militarism and the militarization of relations with Latin America. He was a founder of the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition and has spoken at most of the major Washington, DC anti-war demonstrations. Through AfGJ, he was a founding board member of the Honduras Solidarity Network. He held a B.A. in Government and Politics from George Mason University. His first political activism was as a high school student in 1969 when he organized student walk-out in four county high schools in his native Indiana.
We will post more in the days to come. You can find information about Chuck’s memorial service on the website of Alliance for Global Justice (afgj.org) as soon as arrangements have been completed. We request that people wishing to offer gestures of comfort and remembrance of Chuck do so through their continued support to AFGJ and the causes to which he dedicated his life.
The Alliance for Global Justice
Posted At 08:12 PM
FRIDAY, MARCH 01, 2019
Delegation Report: Food Sovereignty & Agroecology in Nicaragua Delegation: January 3rd – 13th, 2019
From January 3 to January 13, 2019, Friends of the ATC — a solidarity network that supports Nicaragua’s Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo (Rural Workers’ Association) — hosted its “Food Sovereignty & Agroecology in Nicaragua” delegation which was co-sponsored by the Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice. 25 people from the United States, Canada, and Germany convened to learn first-hand how peasants in Nicaragua are building a society based on food sovereignty, agroecology, feminism, socialism, and anti-imperialism.
The ATC has been at the forefront of these fights for decades, organizing in Nicaragua since before the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution and also helping found La Via Campesina, an international peasant movement which now exists in 82 countries around the world.
Posted At 12:03 AM
Labels: Information
MONDAY, MAY 22, 2017
Delegation Report: Honduras & Nicaragua: Compare & Contrast
Honduras and Nicaragua: Two Similar Countries with Very Significant Differences
Delegation Report: April 2017
Alliance for Global Justice
The Alliance for Global Justice [of which the Nicaragua is a founding project] organized a bi-national delegation of 11 people from Feb. 17-26, 2017 to compare and contrast the two neighboring Central American countries of Honduras and Nicaragua in three areas: rural development, citizen security, and women’s empowerment. The delegation began in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and included meetings there, in La Esperanza, and in the southeastern region of Choluteca. We were hosted in Honduras by the Honduras Solidarity Network. The delegation then crossed overland into Nicaragua where we had meetings in the municipality of Somoto before traveling to El Crucero and ending in the capital city of Managua. The purpose of the delegation was to build solidarity with Honduras’ embattled social movements and in support of the gains that social movements in Nicaragua have made under Sandinista governance. To read the report, go here.
Posted At 10:05 AM
Labels: Information
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