MONDAY, MAY 22, 2017

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Delegation Report: Honduras & Nicaragua: Compare & Contrast

Honduras and Nicaragua: Two Similar Countries with Very Significant Differences

Delegation Report: April 2017

Alliance for Global Justice

The Alliance for Global Justice [of which the Nicaragua is a founding project] organized a bi-national delegation of 11 people from Feb. 17-26, 2017 to compare and contrast the two neighboring Central American countries of Honduras and Nicaragua in three areas: rural development, citizen security, and women’s empowerment. The delegation began in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and included meetings there, in La Esperanza, and in the southeastern region of Choluteca. We were hosted in Honduras by the Honduras Solidarity Network. The delegation then crossed overland into Nicaragua where we had meetings in the municipality of Somoto before traveling to El Crucero and ending in the capital city of Managua. The purpose of the delegation was to build solidarity with Honduras’ embattled social movements and in support of the gains that social movements in Nicaragua have made under Sandinista governance. To read the report, go here.

Posted At 10:05 AM

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